Chen-li Sun 孫珍理
Chen-li Sun 孫珍理
Heat transfer and phase change issues in microscale devices, thermal management of electronics, microscale thermophysics, transport in multiphase systems.
Ongoing Projects
1.Effective bubble removal for the enhancement of immersion cooling (NSTC)
2. High energy-efficient heat dissipation for high power computing (tsmc)
3. Assessing Organic Rankine Cycle for the ultra-low-temperature waste heat recovery in data centers (Delta Electronics)
4. Flow visualization for noise reduction of cooling fan (Google)
5. Modeling of ultra-thin vapor chamber for portable devices (iPEBG)
Research Interest
Mechanical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Office 機械館 705
Phone +886-2-3366-1505
lab +886-3366-4504
fax +886-2-2363-1755